10 Easy Ways to Increase Metabolism

It’s a pretty well known fact that your metabolism is linked to easy it is to lose weight. Your metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions happening in your body, and your metabolic rate relates to the amount of calories your body burns; so, the higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn and the easier it is for your to lose weight and keep it off.

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to inherit a speedy metabolism, and so they have a harder time losing and keeping off weight. Good news, though, just because you’ve inherited a slow-mo metabolism, doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it. There are a variety of tricks and tips you can use to increase your metabolism, resulting not only in an easier time losing weight, but also in higher energy levels over all.

Keep reading to learn the easiest ways to increase your metabolism and finally get the energy you need to lose the weight and keep it off.


Don’t Overdo Calorie Cutting

Despite what many may think, putting yourself on a very low-calorie diet does you zero favors for weight loss. Your body is programmed to defend your usual weight, so if you suddenly drop 1,000 calories from your diet, you’re body will think you’re starving, and in turn, your metabolism will actually slow down in effort to retain as much energy as possible.

So how many calories should you be eating? That will depending on a variety of factors like your age, current weight, height, gender, and activity level. Generally, the average woman can lose one pound a week with an intake of 1500 calories, and the average man can lose the same with an intake of 2000 calories. However, calorie cutting alone isn’t very effective technique on it’s own and should be combined with bigger lifestyle changes to see real changes to metabolism or weight.


Eat Breakfast

You’ve heard it before, but we’re going to say it again: breakfast is the most important meal of the day – at least as far as metabolism (and weight loss) is concerned. According to recent studies, eating breakfast encourages speedier metabolism and weight loss, because your metabolism actually slows when you sleep and doesn’t rev back up again until you eat.

Beyond just eating breakfast, it’s also important to be careful about what you’re eating for breakfast. Researchers say you should aim for a breakfast that is full of high-fiber carbs since these foods take your body longer to digest and absorb, which keeps your hunger at bay for longer. Some smart choices include: a bran-rich breakfast cereal with low-fat milk, whole-grain toast topped with low-fat ricotta and sliced banana or berries, or an egg-white veggie omelette with whole-grain toast.


Nibble Throughout the Day

Rather than eating three large meals a day, you can speed up your metabolism by eating six mini meals throughout the day. This helps metabolism and weight loss in two ways: one, it keeps your metabolism humming 24/7; two, it also prevents you from becoming too hungry and overeating. For best results, you should try to eat every four hours and make sure each meal is packed with protein, for an extra metabolic boost.


Drink Milk

Turns out, calcium rich, low-fat dairy is good for more than just strong bones; it’s also a great boost to your metabolism, signalling your body to burn excess fat faster. While there are other calcium rich foods (like broccoli) or calcium-fortified products (like orange juice) that some people prefer to milk and other dairy products, studies have shown that you reap the largest benefits when you consume calcium from three servings of dairy products a day.


Spice Up Your Meals

Sprinkling a few hot peppers into your lunchtime soup or evening stir-fry is an easy way to temporarily boost your metabolic rate. This is because your body is stimulated by the capsaicin found in hot peppers,  jalapeño and cayenne peppers, to temporarily release more stress hormones like adrenaline. Not only is your metabolism boosted by these hormones, but the spiciness in the food has been shown to reduce hunger as well, giving you a double whammy attack for weight loss.


Sweat Out PMS

For women, a good technique to lose weight is to exercise during the two weeks before your period. While it may be the last thing you want to do, exercising during PMS (the weeks between ovulation and menstruation) has been shown to help burn 30 percent more fat than during other times. This is because this is when levels of estrogen and progesterone, which promote the body’s use of fat as energy, are at their highest, which means you burn more fat if you exercise during this time.


Drink Green Tea

Green tea is a well known antioxidant and is commonly used for a variety of health purposes. These antioxidants are great for fighting against signs of aging and lowering the risk of disease, but on top of this, the caffeine and catechin also found in green tea work wonders for your metabolism as well. These properties can help increase your metabolic rate by 4-5 percent and improve fat oxidation by 10-16 percent.


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

This tip might seem simple, but it really does work to increase your metabolism. Studies have found that drinking 16 ounces of water can increase your metabolism by 30 percent in just 10 minutes! So if you’re trying to increase your metabolism or lose weight, you should make sure you’re drinking those recommended 8 glasses of water each day.


Try a Low-Glycemic Diet

As mentioned before, a low carb diet isn’t ideal for losing weight as it can actually cause your metabolic rate to slow down. Instead, researchers recommend a low-glycemic diet – that is, a diet that’s rich in veggies, beans, and legumes. This foods are chock full of the nutrients and vitamins that result in better energy levels and faster metabolism.


Add Healthy Fats to Your Meals

If you’re trying to lose weight, it may feel counter intuitive to incorporate fats into your diet. Of course there are some fats, like those in processed or fast foods, that you should be avoiding, but if you eat the right kind of fats, it can actually help you increase your metabolism for faster, more effective weight loss. Avocados, nuts, and olives oil are all great examples of healthy fats you should try incorporating into a balanced diet with protein and carbs.



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