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10 Tips for Boosting Your Immune System

Your body is only as strong as your immune system. When your health is in top shape, you can worry less, or not at all, about catching the common cold as your body’s defenses can easily fight off disease-causing germs. To do this, your immune system has to be strong and active, and achieving this is a product of a balanced diet, daily activity, and proper sleep, among others. Here are 10 ways to boost your immune system:


Eat a Balanced Diet

There are no other foods that offer the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. For a healthy and balanced diet, consume a variety of these, and make sure to pack on the bright colors. Citrus fruits greatly boost the immune system, thanks to a whole lot of vitamin C. Leafy greens such as spinach and kale also contain a lot of this supervitamin.


Keep It Clean

Being in contact with contaminated objects is the leading cause of getting sick. As you go about your day, you come in contact with many things filled with germs – stair railings, appliances, your phone, doorknobs, and others. Often, you do the unthinkable without realizing it: touching your face, or even your mouth. This contact makes your body highly susceptible to harmful bacteria and viruses that cause you to become sick. The solution? Make your own home as clean as possible, and avoid touching your skin without washing your hands first.


Sleep Well

It’s recommended to sleep for 7 to 9 hours every night. A lack of sleep throws your body off its normal cycle of restoring balance and health, leading to an increase inflammation and a spread of germs. When you are sick, the best cure is getting enough rest to let your body heal.


Get Moving Regularly

Daily exercise greatly benefits the body – and it doesn’t have to be heavy and physically demanding. You can just take a thirty-minute walk everyday, and reap long-term benefits for your immune system. The less you work out, the more likely you can fall ill.


Pass up on Processed Foods

Switch your processed foods for their healthier counterparts. You can do this by avoiding food packed with added sugar and gluten, as these greatly diminish your body’s immune functions. Some processed foods pack energy and nutrients, but a diet of these can ultimately lead to health complications.


Kick the Habit

By consuming less alcohol and quitting smoking, or avoiding secondhand smoke, you can help strengthen your immune system, lower your risk for lung infection, bronchitis, and pneumonia, not to mention the recovery time required for feeling better when you’re dealing with a hangover, and the headaches and vomiting along the way.


Use Garlic

Garlic in its raw form can boost your immune system. Consuming garlic cloves can fight off the common cold, but heating it can cook off healthy vitamins and minerals you definitely want to go get – so make sure to enjoy it raw to get the most out of its health benefits.


Hydrate with Green Tea

Green tea doesn’t just taste good, it also works wonders for the mind and body. The antioxidants it packs greatly strengthen the immune system, protecting you from free radicals, and keeping your defenses properly working.


Manage Your Stress

When you are stressed, both your body and mind are tired, easily affecting your mood. The more stressed you are, the more prone you also become to falling sick – and then that’s even more stressful. It’s all a rabbit hole, really, so make sure to curb your daily stress levels simply by slowing down once in awhile, taking a well-deserved break from your high-demand and fast-paced lifestyle. Squeeze in time to relax and pamper yourself, such as doing yoga, or just going around town.


Embrace the Outdoors

Being out in the sun means producing more vitamin D. When your body lacks vitamin D, you are at higher risk of respiratory problems. Put on some sunscreen when heading out, and make it a habit to get a daily dose of nice and warm sunshine!

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