Fit Like Buddha

If I asked you to tell me what you see when you visualize Buddha, you’d probably describe to me a humble plump man with droopy earlobes. This is how the modern world portrays Buddha in the form of Asian souvenirs or calendars, but in reality, Buddha is much different..

Buddha was a prince named Siddhartha, he was born in 600 BC and was of royal blood. He always stayed in peak physical condition, and whenever he left the palace walls, he’d only eat as much as he needed to survive. Here are 10 tips Buddha followed, that you should too!


Cut out the Meat

Buddhists follow what they call the Five Moral Precepts, the first of which states that it’s immoral to kill animals for food. This results in a fully vegetarian or vegan diet that all Buddhists follow. Buddha’s diet consisted of nuts, and many fresh fruits and vegetables.

These diets contain many antioxidants, one big source is Vitamin E. This vitamin will boost your immune system and increase vascular health. Vitamin E will also leave you feeling energetic, and will clear your mind for the day.


Don’t Skip Breakfast

While dealing with the busy lives we have, many of us have gotten into the habit of skipping breakfast. Well having a healthy breakfast is the most important step to starting off the day on a good note. Buddhists commonly include poached eggs, steamed vegetables and fish broth in their breakfasts, as the nutrition gives them energy to have a productive day, and starves the pathogenic bacteria in your digestive system.



One large part of Buddhism is self discipline. Buddhists practiced self discipline through fasting, which also detoxed the body and increased self control. Following the Second Precept of the Five Moral Precepts, Buddha only ate once day in one sitting, and avoided eating solid foods after noon. This practice results in weight loss, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and many more.


Be an Early Bird

Buddha always tried to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, this means he usually fell asleep and woke up at the same time everyday. Waking up early is also beneficial, as it will give you energy, make you more productive, and give you a little extra time in your morning routine.


Stay Fit

Buddha was born surrounded by warriors and rulers, he grew up going through intense training to become a master at archery, swordsmanship, and horsemanship. He found that healthy and trained body helped him achieve a healthy and trained mind. Doesn’t that sound like something he’d learn in a yoga class? Well Buddhism and yoga have ties, and are sister tradition in the ancient indian culture. Buddhists use to do a form of yoga to prepare for long period of meditation, and can be traced back 5000 years!


Daily Meditation

Buddhism has valued the practise of meditation for centuries, and is iconic to their practices. Meditation is done to calm your mind, and train it to concentrate. Benefits include being more productive for the rest of the day, and having lower blood pressure.


Avoid Intoxication

Buddha always taught other to avoid intoxicating substances, as they cloud your morals and your mind. Buddhists explained that these substances are addictive on a physical and psychological level, and will raise the chances of you breaking other buddhist rules.


Practise Breathing Exercises

One essential part of yoga and meditation is breathing properly. Practising proper breathing exercises can help you problem solve better and relieve stress. Studies have shown that if you practice proper breathing exercises throughout the day, you will be able to manage your emotions better. This is because there will be better connectivity between your prefrontal-cortex and amygdala, a part of the brain that interprets emotion.


Be Mindful

Being mindful means to be self aware of your emotions, and maintaining a non-judgmental perspective. Buddhists will state that in order to achieve insight and wisdom, you must first be completely mindful of your body and mind. Try to practice being mindful of you and your surroundings throughout the day, it will allow you to connect with yourself and others on a deeper level.

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