
Got a New Year’s Resolution to Look and Feel Amazing? Get There with the Magic of Coolsculpting!

You’ve counted your calories, you’ve enrolled in fitness classes, but you just can’t seem to get rid of those few extra pounds. At Healthy Choices Hub, we’re always on the search for the latest treatments that can improve the lives of our readers! 

CoolsculptingWhen diet and exercise are just not enough, Coolsculpting is your answer. The innovative technology helps you reduce those annoying fatty pockets that you just can’t seem to remove while helping you tighten areas and make you feel incredible. Oh, and don’t worry, the procedure is non-invasive, so you can spend time reading that book you’ve been looking forward to during the procedure. 

Whether you’re a first-time reader or a loyal fan, 360 Healthy Choices Hub is always on the search to help our online visitors. This time, we found an amazing treatment to get rid of stubborn fat from a trendy and amazing center in Manhattan – Rebalance NYC! This holistic medical center combines the latest and cutting-edge technology with their own unique approach, and specialize in helping individuals be empowered in their skin.


How long is each cool sculpting treatment?

Each treatment is different and depends on which areas of the body are being treated and how many treatments you require. Most treatments could be completed in 35 minutes per treatment area. Your cool sculpting specialist will review all the details of your treatment plan during your consultation.

Most individuals will be satisfied with their results after two to three treatments, but others will need a few more treatments to get the results that they hoped for. Individuals can typically see a 10% to 20% reduction in fat within their treatment plan, but the Rebalance team can work with your specific goals to discuss your expectations and help you achieve your objectives.

After your Coolscuplting treatments, your body will naturally flush out the frozen fat cells, and when we tell you those fat cells are gone, they’re gone. Naturally, as long as you continue to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, you can maintain long-term and stable results.


What areas can be improved?

Coolsculpting is the leading non-surgical treatment on the market today and Rebalance can help you feel your best heading into 2022! You can be a star athlete with a little bit of cellulite or the super busy mom with a bit of a belly – if want a little tighter skin, the treatment is your answer!

When diet and exercise are just not enough, freezing fatty cells will do the trick. Getting rid of unwanted fat by freezing the cells is a great way to shape your body without any downtime or scarring. Coolsculpting can be used on most areas of the body that fat tends to accumulate the most including:

  •  Abdomen
  • Upper arms
  • Under the jawline and chin
  • Back fat
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Buttocks

You owe it to yourself to feel your best starting off the New Year – you’re beautiful just the way you are, but when you need a little boost of confidence, turn to Coolsculpting treatments to get you there!

Do you have questions about the cool sculpting in NYC? To receive more information about the cool sculpting cost and to learn about the best fat reduction treatments, please contact ReBalance of Radiance Aesthetic & Wellness in Midtown NYC. If you would like to schedule an appointment with the cool sculpting specialist in NYC, Dr. Natalya Fazylova, please contact their office directly.

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