Organic green matcha tea

Matcha Powder – An Antioxidant Powerhouse

What is it about this fine green powder that gives it unique health benefits? We see matcha powder everywhere, in teas, smoothies, desserts, and pastries – it is far from a recent discovery, though. Matcha has an impressive history. Originating from Japan back in the 8th-century, its name literally translates to ‘powdered tea’ and it is an antioxidant powerhouse.

Learn more about matcha and why it’s good for you by reading below!

Matcha can boost your skin’s natural beauty. Plants are naturally brimming with compounds that protect us from the ‘free radicals’ that are known for aging our skin. Green tea and the super-concentrated form of green tea, matcha, are known for fighting back the damage caused by free radicals with antioxidants, which are the body’s defense agents. Antioxidants are chemical compounds that prevent aging and chronic diseases, the more you have, the better your body is prepared to fight infections and diseases.  Matchas ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) is 20x more than goji berries, at 573 units per gram.  

Calms you from the inside out. When people  are stressed, more cortisol is produced, which results in inflamed, irritated and sensitive skin. Matcha is grown in the shade, allowing it to produce more of the amino acid l-theanine, which is known for its positive effects on skin. These high levels of l-theanine work nicely with the low levels of caffeine in green tea; in turn creating alertness as well as a deep sense of calm (unlike other caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and black tea).

Drinking green can help you get lean. Matcha helps to burn body fat by a process called thermogenesis, which helps you burn fat at a faster rate than your metabolism usually does. Also, matcha is nearly calorie-free, and is a great addition to any weight loss program as it helps to boost your metabolism, and burn fat – it tackles the problems from both sides.

Provides a feel-good factor. Matcha is rich in L-Theanine, a rare amino acid that promotes a state of relaxation and well-being.  While stress can induce beta waves (a more agitated state), L-Theanine creates alpha waves, which leads to a state of relaxed alertness. L-theanine increases serotonin and dopamine – giving you the feel-good factor.

Cultivate clarity.  An additional benefit of L-Theanine – may help memory, learning and ability while inhibiting any possible side-effects from caffeine. A bowl of matcha promotes concentration and clarity of the mind without any of the nervous energy found in coffee or other caffeinated beverages. Try matcha as a pick-me-up for the afternoon or anytime you need extra focus.

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