Nine Facts About Fiber

Nine Facts About Fiber

Fiber is an important part of everyone’s diet; it provides many beneficial properties to the body. Despite research showing the powerful properties of fiber, many people aren’t getting enough of it in their daily diet, or simply don’t know about it’s benefits.

  1. Fiber fights disease: Including fiber in your diet fights against colon cancer as well as heart disease. Fiber eliminates cholesterol for the body by binding it into the digestive tract. More commonly known, fiber is recognized with treating constipation.
  2. Fiber helps with overeating: Fibrous foods often take longer to chew and digest which can help you feel fuller.
  3. Fatty foods don’t have much fiber: Most foods rich in fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains which are already healthy in itself. You’re not going to get your daily dose of fiber in fast food!
  4. Look in whole grain: Concentrated and whole grains offer the most amounts of fiber. In fact most dietary fiber is fiber we can’t digest.
  5. Kids need fiber too: Adults who are prone to constipation as well as other diseases aren’t the only ones who need fiber. Children should be receiving a dose of fiber daily as well.
  6. Drink lots of water: In order to keep fiber moving through your digestive system, it’s important to drink plenty of water. Whether it’s in the form of fruit, juice, or water itself, keep yourself hydrated.
  7. Fiber can lose fiber when cooked: Cooking fibrous foods can result in fiber loss. If possible leave the skin on as there is fiber in the skin and helps preserve the fiber.
  8. Don’t eat too much fiber: No matter how healthy a food is, having too much is never good. Getting more than 50g of fiber can result in diarrhea or bloating.
  9. A fiber rich diet isn’t hard: Simply eating the right foods is all it takes for a healthy diet. Be sure to stick to fruits and vegetables and you’ll be well on your way.

Because it is one of the key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle, it’s necessary to get enough fiber in your diet. Without getting enough fiber, it can lead to many problems in the future with certain body functions and diseases. If you aren’t already getting enough fiber, be sure to get some into your diet as it will be heavily beneficial to you both short term and long term.

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