
Quarantine Skincare: Natural Ingredients Straight from Your Kitchen

Don’t touch your face- that’s true, stop touching your face when you’re outside doing groceries but there are many good reasons to touch your face when at home. Quarantine has given us a great opportunity to invest in self-care and skincare is one of the important regimes we should follow. We can’t deny the fact that natural ingredients are the best when it comes to skincare at home. They are readily available and won’t cost you a fortune as you make amends of getting glowing and fresh skin. 


It’s time to play safe, but that doesn’t mean you have to compromise with your skincare regime.  So, we’ve come up with some of the best at-home skincare tips during quarantine you can adapt.


Here are some basic daily skincare tips to dive in:



Before you do anything to your skin, it’s crucial to clean it thoroughly and there are many organic ways to do that. To make your natural cleanser, mix apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and a hint of rosemary oil and pour it in a spray bottle. You can spray this liquid on your face or apply it with cotton to clear your face before the further steps. 



Exfoliating your skin is very important to get rid of the clogged pores, blackheads and ingrown hair particles. Rummage through your kitchen wardrobes and take out some rice powder, coffee or oatmeal. You can mix a tablespoon of rice powder with yogurt and lemon juice to create your home-made exfoliator. What’s more, if you fail to find rice powder, you can also use oatmeal or coffee to scrub your face. 


Face Mask Feeling: 

A home-made face mask can do wonders to your skin if the right ingredients are used. Make a paste with bananas, cream and honey and you’re good to go. This is a great remedy to combat dry skin. Once the pack is ready, apply on your face and leave it for 20 mins. Rinse off once dry and let the natural glow on your skin speak.


Tone your skin:

When it comes to toning, you can never go wrong with natural tonners. You can easily make a toner for your skin by adding green tea and rosewater or cranberry juice. While sipping your green tea, leave some to cool down and then add rose water into it. Keep it in a spray bottle or any other container to use.


Seal the moisture: 

A well-moisturized skin is all that you need to complete your skincare routine. Aloe vera gel is one of the best natural hydrants and works on all types of skin. Massage your skin with a portion of aloe vera gel or for better results add Vitamin E cream or capsules with your gel. This will leave your skin soft, supple and rejuvenated.


Hope these home-based remedies were useful to treat your skin during the quarantine period! Oh! Wait, these tips are actually eternal, so, keep on experimenting with these home-based skin care guidelines.  


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