Reasons to Be Nuts for Coconuts

Coconuts are a miraculous fruit that have a myriad of health benefits. Eating coconuts can help to boost your immunity. They are anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-parasitic, and antibacterial. This means that we are able to consume them in many forms including; raw, oil, milk, butter etc. Whether you’re eating the meat of the coconut or drinking the milk, the health benefits are bountiful. Coconuts are a very nutritious source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Coconut water is the clear liquid that is inside young coconuts. The water in the coconut naturally contains contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and other electrolytes making it an unbelievable pre or post workout beverage. When you work out, you lose electrolytes through perspiration that can make you feel weak or dizzy. The coconut water will give you a nutritious energy boost which supports enhanced physical and athletic performance.

Coconut oil was once upon a time mistaken to be unhealthy because of the high saturated fat content that it contains. We now know that the fat in this oil is unique from other fats, and possesses many healthy properties. It has been receiving its deserved recognition over the last few years- as a nutritious health food. Beyond cooking and baking with this oil, it is well known to treat skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.

Here are a few of the health benefits coconut oil can provide when taken regularly:

  • Improve your digestion & the body’s absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • Reduce risk of heart health
  • Improve good cholesterol (HDL) as it contains lauric acid
  • Protect against kidney and bladder infections
  • Promote a healthy weight balance, helps reduce abdominal fat
  • Help restore normal thyroid function & increase metabolism
  • Improve digestion & symptoms of inflammatory conditions associated with digestive and bowel disorders (IBS)

Beyond ingesting, coconuts are extremely useful in the beauty world. Applying it to your hair helps reduce frizz, it can be used for shaving, can replace your regular moisturizer, can reduce signs of aging, helps to prevent wrinkles, age spots, and even provides some sun protection.

Being anti-bacterial, using coconut oil for acne prone skin is a great natural way to help heal your skin. Oil pulling, is something relatively new that involves swishing the oil around your mouth for 20 minutes a day prior to morning brushing – it can help to whiten teeth, cure headaches and detoxify your body!

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