Why Take Your Workout Outdoors – Pt 2

Summer is indeed about being out in the sun, and our previous post began to show you just why. Now with the next 5 reasons, we’re absolutely sure you’ll be jumping off your seat and heading out:


No Man is an Island













It’s true what they say – no man is an island, and it takes a village to grow and live a healthy and fulfilling life. Having people around you can give the extra push to inspire your workout and give you the motivation to see your health through! Whether you’re exercising with family and friends, or simply getting comfortable sharing the space outdoors with strangers, it’s fun to have both new and familiar faces around, challenging yourselves and cheering on each other, and discovering new strengths together. While throwing a frisbee, engaging in a friendly game of soccer, or simply just exercising together, your social life also flourishes – a clear win for everyone.


Creativity Boost














It’s easy working out at the gym where everything is familiar, but after a while, you have to admit it can get boring. Luckily, the summer sun makes it inviting to take your workout outside and ditch the gym routine you can perform even with your eyes closed. When you’re outside, you’re challenged to try something new and give your creativity a shot. Who knows, you might just end up designer a new workout that will take all fitness followers by storm? All you need is your imagination, inventive eye, and sheer determination to try something new before you get tired of your repetitive indoor gym routine.


Uplifts Your Mood














Exercise releases endorphins. To achieve this, you won’t even have to do an intense workout. Even a short hike or bike ride can already do wonders for your mental health. Being one with nature and away, even just for a while, from your daily stressors greatly improves your mood, as well as your overall brain function. So go ahead, take a break and step outside; you’ll come back refreshed, with a clear head and a rested heart.


Beat the Energy Gap














It’s great if you’re already working out indoors, but taking it outside can boost your energy levels by so much more! Nature is great for vitality as the outdoors are always refreshing, making you feel rejuvenated and enthusiastic. So if you’re feeling that sluggish energy gap, pick it up and head out – sweating it out in nature, even just for a bit, can greatly help with that.


Pocketful of Sunshine… and Savings














When you take your workout outdoors, you don’t just get a pocketful of sunshine, but also of savings! It doesn’t cost even a dime to head out to the nearby park, so working out there is absolutely free. With these savings, you can be motivated to invest in other positive lifestyle changes and habits that contribute to a healthier life. You can use fitness trackers, jump ropes, and weights to amp up your outdoor workout.

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