Taking Care Of Sensitive Teeth

Taking Care Of Sensitive Teeth

Many people struggle with the pain of sensitive teeth on a daily basis, as it can  interfere with daily activities, such as eating and drinking. Fortunately, there are ways to help treat sensitive teeth that can certainly alleviate a lot of pressure from your daily life. All it takes is proper dental hygiene, as well as regular trips to the dentist.

People experience the pain of sensitive teeth when eating and drinking hot and/or cold foods. Even exposure to cold air will want to make you keep your mouth closed. Sensitive teeth typically start off when the gums recede from the teeth and expose the teeth’s roots. The gums act as a barrier to pressure and temperature, so when they’re not healthy, it can cause sensitivity. Exposed roots contain small tubules that connect directly to root tips. Those with healthy gums will have their tubules covered protecting them from outside elements.

Ways to treat tooth sensitivity

Brushing: By reducing the pressure used when brushing your teeth, you can keep your gums healthier. When brushing too hard against the gums you may end up damaging them which can lead to sensitivity. An electric toothbrush like the Sonicare Advance can help with brushing in tight places without using too much pressure.

Toothpaste: Certain types of toothpastes can also help out with tooth sensitivity. Some toothpastes contain potassium nitrate which helps to reduce pain in teeth. The most recommended toothpaste by dentists is Sensodyne because it targets the nerve of the teeth which is usually the root of the problem.  

Mouthwash: Mouthwash containing fluoride can also assist in relieving tooth sensitivity. Scope is an excellent brand of mouthwash to use as it contains fluoride without the use of alcohol. This way, it helps keep your mouth clean and gums healthy, without the burning sensation from the alcohol like other brands.

If you find that neither of these solutions are working and the pain is still too much to bear, you should book an appointment with your dentist. This will give you more options to treat your tooth sensitivity. You can also learn ways to prevent this problem from coming back again.

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