Tooth Whitening Options: When Toothpaste is Not Enough Anymore

Tooth Whitening Options: When Toothpaste is Not Enough Anymore

Sometimes brushing your teeth with toothpaste just isn’t enough to keep your smile white and shiny. Due to pressure from the media and from our peers, people are becoming more inclined to get their teeth whitened. Alternative teeth whitening solutions are becoming more and more popular due to their advertised effective results, as well as their much more convenient accessibility. Mainly aimed towards teeth that have been discoloured with time, stained through smoking, and certain beverages, teeth whitening solutions have a large market.

Tooth Whitening Systems

This type of tooth whitening can be done by yourself at home. Generally, it involves putting whitening gels onto your teeth for a certain amount of time. To maintain consistent results, multiple sessions may need to be repeated according to the directions of each whitening system.

Be sure to pick the right whitening system that suits your needs and will benefit you the most. The price of at-home whitening systems can vary in price. Generally, the less expensive ones will be less effective. It’s always best to consult with your dentist or a specialist, as some products might not be right specifically for you. They can also help you out with any questions you may have and “dosages” for each trial.

Tooth Whitening Done by Professionals

This process is the most assuring and effective method for tooth whitening, for it’s done by a trained professional who has access to stronger whitening solutions. Firstly, an examination is done to determine which tooth whitening solution is the best for you (eg. how many shades whiter your teeth may be) or if it’s even necessary at all. Results will vary from person to person. Factors that may alter the results include what an individual eats, the condition of their teeth, as well as hereditary factors. Before the initial process, people often get their teeth cleaned to prepare for their tooth whitening process.

These two teeth whitening processes may only be temporary and the results of the tooth whitening can easily fade away. Thus, it’s important to maintain your teeth by taking good care of them so that you can keep these results for a longer period of time.

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