Where Do Eggs Fit Into a Healthy Lifestyle?

Where Do Eggs Fit Into a Healthy Lifestyle?

Many Americans make a habit of starting their day with a couple of eggs, perhaps with a slice of toast or some fruit. In their eyes, it’s a healthy way to get protein, vitamins, and healthy fats to start their day, but are eggs really all they’re cracked up to be?

Egg-cellent Advice for the Cleansing Crowd

If you’re cleansing, you should refrain from eating dairy because of the problems it causes for digestion, but what about eggs? Though they occupy the same “tier” of the problematic “Food Pyramid” used in the Western world, eggs and dairy are very different kinds of food. They’re not quite dairy, and they’re not technically a meat, either, though the designation of “animal protein” still applies.

In the eyes of some cleanse creators, eggs are “too much of a good thing.” If you look at eggs in relation to the dietary requirements outlined by the World Health Organization, you’ll see that they are incredibly dense foods. The egg white has a very high amount of water-soluble protein which has made it a staple among the weightlifters and athletes striving to build muscle. However, cleansing is about vitality, not muscle-building at any cost, and this protein and nutrient density could upset the delicate balance that our program aims to achieve.

From a digestive standpoint, eggs are difficult to break down, and most people do not require the amount of protein stuffed into egg white omelettes. If you’re pregnant or a serious athlete, there are better sources of protein out there: try the Power Protein smoothie, for example! Vegan protein powders, beans, and lentils are all great options to ramp up your intake. These foods will help you satisfy your body’s protein needs without compromising your other beauty goals in the way animal protein can.

If you do eat eggs, it’s not the end of the world. It’s always better to give up dairy and eat the occasional egg than the other way around. Eggs are still a nutritional food, but they’re not necessarily a Beauty food. Just be careful not to eat them everyday as they are acid-forming. This can be a challenge for those used to the typical American diet that includes a couple eggs for breakfast every morning, but it’s just another opportunity to start your day with a hot cup of lemon and a fresh juice. If you do eat eggs, we recommend poaching. Also try to pair them with vegetables to make the digestive process as easy as possible.

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