Common Skin Problems Profound RF Plus Can Treat

As we get older, signs of aging become inevitable — from an influx of new wrinkles to decreased skin laxity, time can really take a serious toll on our skin. While investing in a surgical facelift may be a viable option for some, the thought of going under the knife, the price point and the lengthy recovery time associated with the procedure can be enough to scare away some people.

But thanks to extraordinary advancements in technology over the past few years, those who prefer to steer clear of surgical facelifts can still achieve the same results they desire with a safe and effective, non-surgical solution such as Profound RF Plus.

Profound RF Plus is a minimally invasive, safe and effective non-surgical facelift treatment designed to target and combat common signs of aging including wrinkles and sagging skin around the face, neck and jowls. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology backed by science to help dramatically tighten sagging skin, Profound RF Plus is the preferred non-surgical facelift treatment for many. Boasting an extraordinary 100% response rate on wrinkles and a 95% response rate on skin laxity issues, Profound RF Plus helps effectively treat signs of the aging the first time around.

Interested to learn how Profound RF Plus works? Keep reading to discover the science behind Profound and how it helps remedy 2 common, treatable skin problems:

Common Skin Problems Profound Helps Treat


Typically, healthy, plump skin is supported by high collagen and hyaluronic acid levels in our skin. However, when we age, our collagen and hyaluronic acid levels decrease dramatically and as a result, signs of aging become more visible over time. With each passing day, you may notice more wrinkles appearing or your existing wrinkles becoming deeper in depth–but don’t fret!

Profound RF Plus boasts a 100% response rate on wrinkles. Using state-of-the-art Profound technology, Profound RF Plus helps safely and effectively eliminate or reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Unlike BotoxⓇ, Profound RF Plus treatments are minimally invasive, making it the preferred facelift treatment for many.

Sagging Skin and Poor Laxity

As you age, you may slowly notice your skin sagging and losing its natural laxity. Much like how wrinkles come to be, sagging skin and poor laxity is caused by the loss or decrease in collagen and elastin levels. While laser resurfacing and chemical peels can help improve the condition and appearance of your skin temporarily, Profound RF Plus delivers long-lasting results with minimal downtime and damage to your epidermis-the outermost layer of your skin and first line of defense against germs, harmful UV rays and more.

Thanks to the incorporated temperature sensors–embedded within the microneedles–and the real time temperature feedback algorithm in Profound RF Plus, you can rest assured the Profound RF Plus system will only treat the dermal layers of your skin and leaves your epidermis harm-free.

The Science Behind Profound RF Plus 

Following the application of topical and local anaesthetic, patients can expect 5 pairs of temperature-sensored microneedles to be inserted into their desired treatment area(s). After the microneedles have been inserted, the Profound RF Plus system will then deliver a precise dose of radio frequency energy directly into the dermal layers of the patient’s skin. Using Profound technology to regulate the precise timing (3-4 seconds) and temperature (65°C or 149°F) of the microneedles and electrodes, Profound RF Plus strengthens the dermal matrix or ‘scaffolding’ of the patient’s skin to promote wound healing, dermal remodelling and collagen/elastin formation. Neocollagenesis will then occur, constricting the collagen fibers in your skin which ultimately cause the skin to firm up and tighten.

Interested in speaking to a professional about Profound RF Plus treatments and whether or not you’re a suitable candidate? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a reputable cosmetic clinic near you today.

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