Boost Your Immune System This Summer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Who wants to miss out on those summer late night bonfires or a nice afternoon swim at the pool? Sometimes getting sick can prevent you from performing well at school or work and refrains you from having some fun. The flu or even a minor cold can be unavoidable at times; we are continuously exposed to bacteria that can be inhaled, swallowed or even touched.

Our immune system works to fight off any foreign substances such as, viruses and bacteria. However, it doesn’t always work in our favour, the immune system is a powerful mechanism in the human body but sometimes it could use a little boost with your help. With a few tips and tricks you might be able to get away from getting that nasty cough and runny nose. A few natural remedies can be your flu saver this summer.

Get Enough Sleep

Some daily routines can aid your body in developing a healthy and strong immune system. To start, getting enough sleep is a major contributor to your overall health. Enough sleep has the ability to manage your stress. If you are sleep deprived, it can potentially lead to a hormonal imbalance, in which leads to a weak immune function. If you are also a smoker or drink alcohol often there is a high chance your immunity may not be as healthy compared to others. Ditch the tobacco smoke and consume less alcohol, your immune system will thank you by staying strong and in good shape.


Soak Up The Sun

We all know how nice it feels to have those hot summer rays from the sun shining down on us, especially with those brutally long winters in Canada. Some vitamin D, provided by our friendly neighbourhood star, can go a long way. Of course, staying in the sun for too long can be damaging to the skin, but a healthy dose of some sunshine ranging from 10-15 minutes won’t hurt. Low vitamin D levels can result in a respiratory infection and common cold symptoms (cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, etc.). So try to stay outside this summer and not inside- you won’t find any sun in your living room.


Incorporate Antioxidants Into Your Diet

Many foods are favoured more than others because they are categorized as antioxidant-type foods. Yes, they most definitely help your immune system, but not only that, they are disease fighters and memory protectors. These foods can be found at any of your local grocery stores year-round. Here are just a few examples of foods loaded with antioxidants: blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, orange vegetables, dark leafy greens, garlic, grapes, tomatoes, nuts/seeds and ginger.


Some of these superfoods might not sound appealing to you, but if you try to search some recipes including those particular foods, a lot of tasty options can turn your meal into a healthy and enjoyable one, all while feeding your immune system some great strength. Why not try some healthy and delicious roasted garlic lemon broccoli?


Stay flu-less this summer, follow some of these tips mentioned and you can ditch those unpleasant throat aches![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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