Comparing Sugar Alternatives – Agave vs Stevia

With so many cold press juices and detox-cleanse products out there for you to buy online with US nationwide fast shipping, the question is which products deliver more value for you?

We looked at one of the most frequently asked question to do with sweeteners and sugar replacements and alternatives, “Agave” vs “Stevia“.

We found an interesting read at My Glow Bio website from Kimberly Snyder stating that agave is considered a “healthy” sweetener because it is marketed as being “natural” and low-glycemic when in fact, agave is a highly processed sweetener. The chemical process for manufacturing agave nectar is nearly the same as the corn refiners using in making high-fructose corn syrup from corn starch. Using the agave glucose and insulin found in the plant’s roots, manufacturers subject it to a chemical enzymatic (using genetically modified enzymes) process that converts it into nearly pure fructose (70 percent, or in some cases 90%, or higher). Agave is almost pure fructose, and consuming high levels of fructose can contribute to weight gain and destruction of the collagen in the skin. We recommend that you eliminate all agave consumption immediately.

In comparison the use of Stevia, or raw coconut nectar as a liquid sweetener is considered the better choice. It is nutrient-rich, containing 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, and B vitamins. Its fructose content is only about 10%, compared to upward of 90% in agave. It doesn’t have a coconut taste, so works well in smoothies and juices.

Kimberly Snyder C.N. is a clinical nutritionist and best-selling author of The Beauty Detox Solution and The Beauty Detox Foods (April, 2013). She is passionate about sharing secrets everyone can use to experience extraordinary health, vitality and a radiant glow.

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