
Keep Your Skin Healthy and Radiant This Summer!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Although winter seemed to last for an eternity, it’s hard to remember it’s presence with all the sun we have been getting! While soaking in all the much-needed sun, it’s important to always keep your skin in mind. After all, the more you protect your skin, the more you can enjoy basking in the warmth of summer. While protecting your skin all-year-round is important, there are a few extra steps to take in the summer to ensure you are enjoying the sun safely. 


For the love of everything pure, don’t forget the sunscreen!

Ever since we were little our parents have always told us to put on sunscreen before going out. Although we never wanted to listen, we understand now just how important it is. Sunscreen protects your skin from the powerful UV-rays the sun emits. Overexposure to these rays can lead to irritation, rashes, or in more severe cases, illness. When choosing a sunscreen, ensure it works cohesively with your lifestyle. Do you do a lot of swimming? Opt for a waterproof sunscreen. Are you embarking on hours of fun in the sun? Opt for a sunscreen with a higher SPF rating. There are also options for those with sensitive skin and those who want to get a tan while still staying protected. It’s no surprise that sunscreen is necessary when it comes to skin safety!


Say bye to dry – keep your skin moisturized

You know that feeling you get when you are in desperate need of a cold beverage because your mouth feels like it can no longer produce any type of moisture? You may not feel it the same way when it comes to your skin, but it too craves moisture. Exposure to the sun can leave your skin feeling dry which can lead to cracking, rashes, and irritation down the road. It’s important to remain moisturized when out and about in the sun to ensure your skin feels replenished no matter what!


While you’re at it, protect your lips too

Lips are already susceptible to drying, no matter what season it is. The sun only increased the chances of dry and cracked lips which, let’s face it, nobody wants. Keep your lips soft and safe by utilizing a lip balm rich in SPF. Not only will this help prevent your lips from drying out and potentially drying, but it will also protect them from all the powerful rays the sun has to offer. 


Staying hydrated isn’t a mist-ery

Some days the sun seems more powerful than others and while you may want to stay outside and soak it up, the heat can get pretty unbearable. Having a bottle of face mist in your bag can help you temporarily cool down when the heat is just too much to handle. A simple spritz or two of face mist can leave your face feeling fresh and cool. Many face mists on the market contain an array of antioxidants and nutrients – not only are you keeping your skin cool, you are always revitalizing and protecting it at the same time. While dousing your face in cold water will offer the same cooling effect you desire, mists can simultaneously soothe, hydrate, protect, and cool your skin. 


The mosquitos are here and they came to play

One undesired element on summer is the dreaded amount of stingers in the sky. Some stings, such as bee or wasp stings cause temporary pain, however, they usually don’t do much thereafter. The most dreaded of all come from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are extremely prevalent in the summer, especially in wooded, damp areas. Their bites, although not painful, can leave you itching for days. Scratching these bites can increase their time on your body or even cause scarring. 

Keep your skin safe from these pesky critters with a bug-spray which will deter them from stinging you. If you’ve already accumulated some bites, apply a Hydrocortisone cream to the affected area or areas. This cream will help alleviate swelling and itchiness. If you plan on going camping, hiking, or partaking in any activity in wooded areas, it’s especially important to have these items on you to avoid the discomfort associated with mosquito bites. 


If you want to glam it up, go waterproof

If you are a fan of the glam, you are 100% aware of how difficult it can be to maintain a full face of makeup on hot summer days. The sun isn’t exactly an ally of your hard work when it comes to makeup. If you don’t want to ditch the glam in the sunny months, shop for waterproof makeup items. Most mascaras, moisturizers, and foundations come in this option and these are the typical culprits when it comes to running makeup in the heat.

If you don’t have luck finding your favourite item in a waterproof formula or you want that added layer of protection, opt for a waterproof setting spray. This will look your makeup in place and keep it looking glamorous all day long – rain or shine!


Skin is the largest organ in the human body and the most exposed! It’s important to take care of it and do your due diligence in the hot months to ensure it remains protected. Doing so can help prevent any unfortunate circumstances that could potentially arise. The extra skincare in the summer months make take a little extra time when it comes to your routine, but it’s well worth it when it comes to maintaining healthy, glowing skin. 


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