
Hair Removal Options to Consider This Summer!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Time to ditch those thick layers and giant winter coats – summer is almost here! As the sun veers its way around the corner, the temperature continues to rise. Goodbye parka, hello light summer clothing! There is no doubt that summer attire is a favourite for so many. From shorts to crop tops to dress options galore, there are just so many great options when it comes to summer clothing. With clothing being more minimal in the summer, this means more skin exposure. For some, body hair isn’t a big issue, however, for others, the dawn of hot weather means the season of hair removal.


When it comes to hair removal, there are so many options on the market. Some provide temporary results, while others provide more long-lasting results. When deciding what method to go with it comes down to a few factors, including;


  • Budget
  • Longevity
  • Pain tolerance
  • Skin sensitivities/conditions
  • Which parts of the body you require hair removal
  • The texture of body hair


Here are a few hair removal options to opt for this summer:




Shaving is the most common form of hair removal. In fact, when you hear the term hair removal, the first thought that comes to your head is probably shaving. What makes it so popular? Shaving is relatively easy and pain-free (unless you snag a piece of skin). It is also convenient and can be done in a short period of time with little prep needed. All you really need is a razor, water, and some shaving cream (which is optional). Shaving also works in a plethora of areas including legs, underarms, arms, facial areas, and the bikini line.


Pros: easy, convenient, can be done on multiple areas of the body, relatively inexpensive, many options when it comes to razors


Cons: ingrown hairs, short-term results, may cause small cuts




Ah, waxing. This method of hair removal can be done at home or by a professional, however, if it’s your first time, we recommend going to a professional. Waxing involves hot wax being applied to the body where hair is present and then pulled off using a paper strip. Like shaving, waxing can be done to various parts of the body, however, hair must be a certain length in order to avoid cuts or ineffective hair removal. There’s no getting around it, waxing can be quite painful as hair is being torn from the roots. The plus side is, there are typically no ingrown hairs or bumps after waxing and the effects last a lot longer than shaving.


Pros: long-lasting, can be done at home or via a professional, can be done on multiple areas of the body, little-no ingrown hairs/bumps


Cons: painful, can cause burns, messy if done at home, may leave skin red for a few hours afterward


Laser Hair Removal


If you’re looking to REALLY get rid of your body hair, laser hair removal is the way to go. Laser hair removal is semi-permanent – permanent, eliminating the need for hair removal in the future. Laser hair removal is also successful on darker, thicker hair. With long-lasting results, however, comes long-lasting treatment. Laser hair removal is typically done in a handful of sessions 4-6 weeks apart from one another. If you are opting for this one, it’s best to do so in the colder months so treatment will be fully complete by summer! Laser hair removal is also costly, but if you consider the fact that you won’t have to purchase razors or head to a salon again, you may save money in the long run!


Pros: longest lasting form of hair removal, can be done on multiple areas of the body, effective on dark, thick body hair


Cons: expensive, timely, can sometimes be painful


Depilatory Creams


If you want to avoid the pain of waxing, the potential cuts of shaving, and the costs of laser hair removal, depilatory creams may be your best bet. These creams can be found at just about any drugstore and are typically under $20. How do they work? The ingredients within dissolve the hair shaft causing hair to weaken and fall out. Unlike other methods, this one isn’t recommended for every body part – hair and pubic areas should be avoided. These creams should typically be applied prior to showering and left on for the suggested time on the label (leaving on for longer can cause burns or irritation). When in the shower, simply take a loofa and remove the cream from your body. If you haven’t tried depilatory creams before, it’s best to run a little test. Apply a small amount to your arm and wait a bit. If you have a reaction to it, it’s best to discard the product and avoid this method.


Pros: inexpensive, long-lasting, little to no ingrown hairs, can be done at home


Cons: can cause irritation, not suitable for all parts of the body, not recommended for sensitive skin

When it comes to hair removal, there are a plethora of options out there. It all comes down to what you are comfortable with and what works best for you. There is no shame in trying various options until you find one best suited for you![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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