Maintaining Healthier Lifestyle in a Busy World


Maintaining Healthier Lifestyle in a Busy World!


Who would you prefer to be: a fully confident, healthy person who knows how to live in the moment and strike a balance in work and personal life, or the one who is all about work with no play? The first category is obviously the right choice, but the sad fact is that most of us belong to the second one, despite being mindful of the consequences. Be it our laziness or sheer negligence to the practice of healthy living, we fail to realize that not only these habits are going to cost us a good amount of hard-earned money on various health issues later in life, but we are also missing out on making beautiful memories with our friends and family.

Moving to a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be a difficult undertaking, instead you can take smaller steps, one at a time, at your own pace, which will soon add up to substantial results. Here are some useful tips to help you embark upon a successful journey to a healthier lifestyle in this busy world:        

A good night’s sleep

If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter, you know it’s rarely worth it. Instead of late night sleeping or not sleeping at all, try to make a habit of going to bed early and then waking up early in the morning. It’d be good if you can maintain a fixed time to go to bed and wake up every day as our body responds well to patterns. If you are a chronic late-nighter, you might find it hard to shut your eyes early in the beginning, so find ways that can help you sleep soundly, such as using sound machine apps, drinking valerian tea before going to bed, or simply listening to soothing music that helps calm down anxiety thus aiding with sleep. Every individual is different, so explore the different options to figure out what works best for you.

Healthy Diet – Mindful Eating

If drinking plenty of water sounds boring, chop up some fruits and add to your drink. Not only will the liquids fill you up, but the sweet taste of fruits will help curb sugar cravings, along with boosting your vitamin intake. Another plus point is that you will think less about consuming those cola drinks that are overflowing with calories, and processed food full of sugar and salt.

  • Prepare your meals in advance: Though there is no excuse for eating unhealthy food, some of us blame it on the scarcity of time – thanks to our hectic work lives. Well, no more, because you don’t have to prepare your meals right then and there, instead cook large batches of lunch whenever you have time, and freeze them in small portions. By doing so, you’ll always have healthy food available to eat, especially in situations when you cannot afford the time to cook or simply don’t feel like cooking.
  • Healthy snacking: Start the week by stocking up a good amount of nuts and fruits, and soon you’ll find yourself less tempted to munch on those chocolate bars or grab a packet of chips.
  • Portion control: Avoid oversized meals, instead use smaller plates and practice eating slowly so that you can chew the food completely while enjoying the taste. Your brain takes 20 minutes to tell stomach that it had enough, so eating slowly will certainly help prevent overeating.
  • Start with a nutrient-rich breakfast: Go for a bowl of oatmeal instead of calorie-laden cereals, add some fruits to make it even tastier. Start the day on the right note by having a healthy breakfast, which will surely help you develop good food habits that last for life.    

Physical exercise

Dread the idea of those hardcore gym exercising sessions? Start from a simple 30-minute running practice in the morning (or evening, whatever suits you). Even better if you have a hobby like swimming, hiking or cycling, as these activities will help get rid of toxic energy out of your system, de-stress and stay fit. Whichever option you choose as your workout routine, make it your topmost priority and more importantly try to stick to it, as consistency matters the most when you are trying to achieve certain health fitness goals.   

Hit the pause button

Today the lifestyle has become such that most people are constantly in rush and stressed out, which is impacting their health both psychologically and physically. You should know when to stop, take a step back and just breathe. There is nothing wrong with having a busy schedule, but make sure you’re not hard on yourself as this will ultimately affect your productivity.  

Gone are the days when keeping a healthier lifestyle was deemed as a luxury, now it’s a necessity. Another job option will come along, there will be another company, but it will take a good amount of time to recover your health once you have squandered it. So, be wise, enjoy life to the fullest and keep health your #1 priority always. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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