Tips Before, During, and After a Juice Cleanse

It’s a new year and it’s time to try the resolutions you’ve been putting off. If you’ve been itching to try a juice cleanse but are not sure what to expect or what to do, we’re here to provide some handy tips for before, during, and after the cleanse. Keep reading to learn more!

Tips for Before

Plan ahead: When it comes to a juice cleanse, research and planning ahead are always a good way to start. Make a plan of what juices you plan to drink throughout your cleanse, and have the ingredients on hand and ready to juice.  

Herbal teas: The great thing about herbal teas is that you can have them as often as you like during a cleanse. This is a great time to try out different blends. Try and find blends that have detoxifying properties, such as green teas. Stock up a few days before so you’re ready for your cleanse.

Lemon & hot water: Another drink that you can have as much as you want of during your before and during your cleanse is hot water with lemon and ginger. Blend up a tiny piece of ginger and add it to hot water with some fresh lemon juice. This drink is both detoxifying and alkalizing.

Keep sugar content down: Again, it’s better to plan ahead when you’re preparing for a juice cleanse. It is recommended to use less fruits, as they are high in sugar. When you juice fruits and vegetables, most of the fibre is removed, so there is nothing to balance out the sugar. This can cause blood sugar levels to spike, especially in diabetics. Instead, try to use only a bit of fruit for flavour mixed with a vegetable heavy juice.

Talk to your doctor: You should always talk to your doctor before starting a cleanse to ensure it safe for you to do. It may not be wise for you to do a cleanse if you are pregnant, have a serious illness, or are on certain medications. You should also talk to your doctor if you are a diabetic, as some cleanses may not be suitable for you.

Tips for During

Scale back social engagements: During your cleanse you should try and scale back social engagements, as these often have tempting food and alcohol that you can’t consume during your cleanse.

Expect to be tired: Juice cleanses make you feel great when they are done, but during the cleanse you should expect to feel tired and weaker than normal. This is because your body is working hard to remove the toxins from your body, making you feel fatigued. Try to take naps during the day, and work through it. When you are finished the cleanse, you will feel amazing.

Journalling: Try and record your thoughts and how you felt during the cleanse. Not only does it help you make it through the cleanse, but it’s interesting to look back on later.

Tips for After

Once you are done your cleanse the first thing you are probably going to want to do is eat everything in sight. In order to continue to get the most out of your cleanse, follow these eating tips.

The “do not” eat: Right after your cleanse you should avoid eating heavy foods; these include meat, dairy, wheat, and refined sugar. You don’t want to stress your digestive system and should avoid eating these foods for at least a few days after you end your cleanse.

The “do” eat: you should focus on eating light foods once you’re done your cleanse. These include fruit and vegetables. You should eat them either raw or lightly steamed. You should aim to eat these for at least 2 days after your cleanse. On day 3 you can slowly start to reintroduce dairy, meat, and wheat into your diet.

Drink lots of fluids: when your cleanse is finished you should continue to drink lots of fluids, particularly water. This helps your body stay hydrated, and flushes out any remaining toxins. You can continue drinking herbal teas and lemon water as well.

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