
Top 10 Alternatives to Drinking Pop

Let’s face it, pop is nothing but sugar, and it’s laced with more negative health effects than any other drink consumed by families. In the US, the average American consumes 44.7 gallons of soda, with some people drinking more pop than water. Scary as that sounds, the lack of water and nutrients has led to nothing but kidney problems, obesity, fatty liver disease and dehydration. With this, it might be time to kick your soda habit. In its place, here are top 10 healthy alternatives to drinking pop.


Make Your Own Fruit Smoothie

A fruit smoothie isn’t just a drink, it may as well be a good dessert too. It’s goodness in a glass you can choose depending on your favorite fruits that pack the most essential nutrients. Add some yogurt for richness, chia seeds for protein and coconut water for flavor. Switch up the flavors, make different batches right at home, and for sure it’s time and energy spent well.

Green Tea on the Rocks

Forget soda, make green tea your new go-to drink next to water. With zero calories and packed with antioxidants, drinking green tea regularly can help lower risk of various ailments such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Take it up a notch by serving it chilled on the rocks, and you can even stir in a spoonful of honey for your soda-missing sweet tooth.

Thank You Kombucha

This ancient chinese black tea fermented with sugar might as well be magic. Its health benefits are gaining the spotlight for their link to energy, better digestion, detoxification and weight loss. The healthy bacteria fermenting the drink feeds off the sugar, creating a carbonated beverage with enzymes, probiotics, vinegar and various vitamins. Sounds like a good time not just to ditch soda, but try the elixir of a good life life in tea as well.

Wine is Good for the Heart

For some, unwinding with drinks can take the edge off. If your go-to drink is a Jack and Coke or Vodka Redbull, consider a change of pace with a glass of red wine. We’ve all heard wine is good for the heart because of its antioxidants. Studies show that moderate consumption of red wine can reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Just remember to go with brands without additives or sulfates to maximize red wine’s health benefits.

Milk It

Almond-flavored milk isn’t only delightfully light and creamy. Aside from helping you kick your pop habit, it’s also a good alternative to dairy milk because it’s cholesterol-free and fortified with essential minerals such as calcium and vitamin D. Watching your sugar levels just got easier with its light and sugar-free options.

Don’t Complicate Coffee

A good cup of coffee can help keep you away from diabetes, alzheimer’s and colon cancer. Keeping your coffee uncomplicated by staying away from artificial creamers and white sugars will allow you to get the most out of your morning cup’s health benefits. If you’re missing the usual add-ons, go with natural creamers and even a sprinkle of honey.

Channel the Tropics with Coconut Water

Every sip feels like being in the refreshing tropics. Packed not just with thirst-quenching natural sweetness, it also has electrolytes, B-vitamins and antioxidants that help reduce blood pressure, resolve acne, promote weight loss and even cure hangovers. You can even drink as much coconut water as you want because its low calorie count and fat content keeps the pounds away!

It’s Time to Juice

It’s time to pick up your juicer and create a kitchen concoction with fruits and vegetables that give you all your daily essential nutrients. Make it a home habit to avoid the additives in store-bought juices.

Drink Yogurt for Probiotics

Who says yogurt is best enjoyed with a spoon? You can drink yogurt now, too and enjoy it in different ways, such as greek, soy or good old plain. Yogurt drinks boost your metabolism and burn fat, a definite delightful plus over soda.

Water Won’t be Be Boring

Excite yourself at the thought of drinking water with a little flavor. This helps if you’re a little bored with plain water and want something refreshing while staying clean and healthy. With a few flavorful and colorful slices of your go-to fruits, veggies and even some mint leaves, you can enjoy a fun new take on our most essential liquid.


If you’re looking for a drink that can satisfy your sweet tooth without the artificial flavors, try a delicious and healthy fruit smoothie. A fruit smoothie can act as both a soda and dessert substitute. The best part of making a smoothie in your very own kitchen is that you can control what goes into it. The endless ingredients you can choose from can even make this a fun experience. Instead of making a traditional fruit-and-water smoothie, try throwing in some yogurt for richness, coconut water for flavor, and some chia seeds for protein.

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