
Top 10 Foods for Diabetics

Many people suffer from diabetes and in the process have had their diets greatly modified in order to keep them healthy. If you are diabetic or prediabetic, your body has a hard time producing the right amounts of either glucose or insulin. The best way to fight this is to eat healthy and nutritious food that stimulate the production of either. Here are the 10 superfoods diabetics can enjoy:


A 2008 study in Europe that two servings of fish a week can save a life. Its rich levels of omega-3 help decrease complications related to diabetes. Diabetic participants of the study revealed they consumed less than two servings of diabetes weekly, while those who did were less prone to kidney-related ailments. That’s two diseases you can easily help yourself avoid with regular servings of this healthy meat.


Because it’s low in calories and high in carbohydrates, asparagus makes a perfect snack. It has high levels of the antioxidant glutathione, essential in reducing deficiencies related to diabetes. Since glutathione deficiency is a common effect of diabetes, regular consumption of asparagus can help stimulate this antioxidant, repair cell damage and prevent common oxidative effects.



From toast toppings to salads and even eating this green goodness right out of the market, avocados are popping up on food blogs and social media feeds like crazy! Not only is it good by itself and versatile enough for healthy mixes, it has the amount of good fat we need in our diet. Diverse in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, avocados promote healthy blood glucose and lipid levels. These work wonders in managing weight and diabetes.

Dark Chocolate

Rich in antioxidants, this healthy alternative to other sweets has been proven to control sugary cravings, glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. By controlling sugary cravings, your blood’s glucose level can also be curbed. A clinical trial in 2015 showed consuming dark chocolate also has more health benefits than white chocolate, with dark chocolate controlling insulin sensitivity better.

Greek Yogurt

This is a good snack alternative if you find yourself constantly craving quick fixes. It even keeps you a lot more satisfied than high-carb snacks. Greek yogurt, formulated a bit differently than its traditional counterpart, packs double the amount of protein with lesser carbs. Because of its low glycemic index, it makes good breakfast food. Its rich probiotics also help manage diabetes because Greek yogurt’s healthy levels of gut bacteria drastically lower glucose levels.


So much of the food we commonly enjoy lists garlic as an ingredient, and it’s probably not just due to its rich flavor. It’s also packed with health benefits, having over 400 phytochemicals that aid in reducing and preventing various complications associated with diabetes.

Olive Oil

Diabetics and prediabetics will find it helpful to swap butter and regular fatty salad dressings with olive oil to boost the body’s antioxidants while being healthily satisfied with the meal. It’s because olive oil is a healthy source of monosaturated fats that’s associated with helping lower the risk of diabetes.

Red Grapefruit

There’s more to grapefruit than its tart, juicy goodness. It’s packed with pectin, a fiber essential in stimulating healthy cholesterol levels. A study at the University of Florida College of Medicine proved that pectin in grapefruit reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) levels while spiking levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Both levels of cholesterol should be healthy in order to manage your risk of developing diabetes or having it worsen.


This is a cherished ingredient throughout the Indian subcontinent and it’s largely because this root crop has many disease-fighting components. Its zesty spiciness gives flavor to many Indian dishes and health benefits to reap with each meal. Its main ingredient, curcumin, potently manage blood glucose levels and has the power to reverse insulin resistance. Prediabetics can even lower their chances of developing diabetes with 9 months of turmeric supplements.


Cinnamon isn’t just a sweet and savory spice that adds instant flavor to food. Its medicinal properties have been known for a long time in history. It does powerful work in lowering glucose levels after meals by slowing the breakdown of carbohydrates and mimicking the effects of insulin. Cinnamon also helps keep blood glucose levels stable when fasting. A clinical trial showed that consuming cinnamon significantly decreases blood glucose levels in fasting. There’s definitely more to cinnamon than its strong flavor.


A complete lifestyle change is no easy feat, but it can be made fun and interesting with a diet diabetics can switch up according to their favorite tastes and flavors these superfoods can give while helping them stay fit and healthy throughout their treatment processes.

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