Home Remedy: Teeth Whitening Methods

Home Remedy: Teeth Whitening Methods

Previously, to get your teeth whitened, the only option was to book an appointment at the dentist. However, booking an appointment can be quite inconvenient as it can clash with your own schedule, and you may end up postponing or forgetting about it completely. As well, it can be very expensive.

This is why homemade teeth whitening remedies were introduced to the public; it was a perfect solution for those who hated going to the dentist, or couldn’t afford professional whitening. These whitening methods eliminated the fear of going to the dentist and made it very convenient for users, as these processes can be done on one’s own time and home. Additionally, it’s much cheaper than getting your teeth whitened at the dentist. Although these methods may seem old fashioned, they are simple yet effective.

Bicarbonate-Paste and Water

Bicarbonate soda paste can be easily obtained at your local drugstore or supermarket. Regularly rinsing your mouth with a solution of bicarbonate soda paste and water can remove stains from the surface of teeth, leaving them whiter and shinier.

Lemon Juice Paste and Salt

This remedy is used mainly for brightening teeth and getting rid of the yellow tint. Blend them together to create a paste. Leave the paste on your teeth for several minutes, but don’t leave it on for too long as the acidity from the lemon juice can erode your teeth enamel.

Bay Leaves with Dried Orange Peels

This remedy also whitens teeth. Like the lemon paste, blend them together and apply them to your teeth regularly to remove stains.

Orange Peels

Usually, orange peels are thrown away, but they can be used to whiten your teeth as well. Just wipe the white part of the peel onto your teeth. Similar to lemons, the orange peels will remove stains and brighten teeth.

These basic remedies have proven their effectiveness around the world. The main benefits that comes from these remedies are how cheap they are without the side effects of other whiteners that can harm your mouth. Feel free to give these a try first before you use more chemical-based whitening methods.

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